Saturday, July 23, 2011

147...July update and August Prayer Requests

My Dear Friends!

Everything is happening so fast and it hasn't even been a month since I was accepted.

  • Last Wednesday my support letters went out in the mail. A lot of time and work went into them and I wouldn't have been able to do them without the counsel from Mom. Thank you! Please say a pray that the letters meet they destinations safely and that God would speech to the heart of the recipients.
  • I received a call from the Travel Clinic, I know have an appointment for August 4th. This is not for my shots but to speak with the nurses and explain where I will be going and doing. They will also be giving be safety tips for when I am there. From there we will be able to set up a date for the shots. Thankfully my wonderful father's insurance, whom I am still under, will cover these shots as well cover me medically while overseas. Praise God! please say a pray (or two!) that everything will go smoothly with getting all the necessary papers from my family doctor to the travel clinic. And that I won't be too big of a baby when it comes to getting the shots. :)
  • I am having a garage sale to help raise money. I am thinking of having it next weekend on July 30th and 31st. Please pray that God would send the masses to the sale. Lol. That I can tell my story and touch the hearts of those that come my way. Please pray that I can get everything organized for the garage sale. My wonderfully parents are opening their driveway up for me, so I am so thankfully for that, as well as Mom donating baked goods! I love them so much!
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  James 5:16
    My friends, you have no idea how much it means to me that you would take time and pray for me! With 147 days to go I am calm but I know as time draws closer my nerves will rise. But I also know that with you praying and the Lord of Lords in my heart I can conquer my nerves and will instead have joy and love rise.

    May God bless you 

    Monday, July 4, 2011

    165 Days...Fly Me to Uganda!

    I have a ticket to Uganda....I have a ticket to Uganda! I feel like pinching myself every time I say this...I cant believe it is really happening...I remembering finding the Amani website at 12 in the morning on may 15th. Decided to fill out the application and ended up sending it in at 2 in the morning. I woke the next morning giddy and in a slight panic thinking to myself "Did I really just send in an application to go to Uganda!???" But so excited to see what would happen. After Praying for months for God to show my where He wanted me I figured that if He didn't want me in Uganda I wouldn't be accepted. But i was and I am THRILLED! I can not wait to Serve the Lord and the Amani Baby Cottage.
    There are times when I still have to slap myself to make sure I'm not just dreaming but that this is really happening. And now I have a TICKET!!!

    Please help me by praying for
    - Doctors appointment for Immunizations
    I am on a waiting list for a travel clinic. I talked to a nurse at the clinic a few days ago and she told me that I will meet with a nurse first and then they will give me a timeline for the shots that I need. The nurse assured me that it would only be a couple of weeks until an open appointment opens up. Please pray that I am able to get in and everything goes smoothly.
    - Letter for Support
    My letters are being sent out soon. However because I grew up in an age of technology I don't have alot of snail mail addresses, please pray that I am able to get addresses for people and that they letters will make their way to people safely.

    "Acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought."
    ~1 Chronicles 28:9

    In Christ,

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    167 Days

    167 Days...23 Weeks...5 1/2 months...
    God has a plan for me. A beautiful, wonderful, amazing plan. One year ago I signed up to become a Tastefully Simple consultant. I have no idea why I was possessed to sign up; I'm not outgoing, I don't like talking to people I don't know (just because I'm scared) and Ive never had a job other than at the daycare. But I just felt like I had to, so I did. It was scary, thrilling, and awesome all at the same time. I learned so much from it, it made me step out of my comfort zone. Now, one year later I am so much more outgoing and I love to talk to new people. Its amazing to look back and be able to see how God has worked in your life. Going from "Why am I doing this??" to "Ooooh that's why you wanted me to do that, God" This past year has been an amazing journey. But this journey is not over. Its like God is saying "Good Stephanie, now for the next step!" God is calling me, I am following. In May I applied for a short term volunteer position. Just one week ago I received word that I was accepted to work at the Amani baby Cottage in Jinja, Uganda. I am so excited! I know that the Lord will work in me before, during, and after I go. I have 167 days before I go but I'm sure this will go by fast. There is so much to do before I go! I know that God will be with me through it all and that with Him all things are possible!