Saturday, July 23, 2011

147...July update and August Prayer Requests

My Dear Friends!

Everything is happening so fast and it hasn't even been a month since I was accepted.

  • Last Wednesday my support letters went out in the mail. A lot of time and work went into them and I wouldn't have been able to do them without the counsel from Mom. Thank you! Please say a pray that the letters meet they destinations safely and that God would speech to the heart of the recipients.
  • I received a call from the Travel Clinic, I know have an appointment for August 4th. This is not for my shots but to speak with the nurses and explain where I will be going and doing. They will also be giving be safety tips for when I am there. From there we will be able to set up a date for the shots. Thankfully my wonderful father's insurance, whom I am still under, will cover these shots as well cover me medically while overseas. Praise God! please say a pray (or two!) that everything will go smoothly with getting all the necessary papers from my family doctor to the travel clinic. And that I won't be too big of a baby when it comes to getting the shots. :)
  • I am having a garage sale to help raise money. I am thinking of having it next weekend on July 30th and 31st. Please pray that God would send the masses to the sale. Lol. That I can tell my story and touch the hearts of those that come my way. Please pray that I can get everything organized for the garage sale. My wonderfully parents are opening their driveway up for me, so I am so thankfully for that, as well as Mom donating baked goods! I love them so much!
The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  James 5:16
    My friends, you have no idea how much it means to me that you would take time and pray for me! With 147 days to go I am calm but I know as time draws closer my nerves will rise. But I also know that with you praying and the Lord of Lords in my heart I can conquer my nerves and will instead have joy and love rise.

    May God bless you 

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